[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]
Kitten 2/Dixie
Sold to Eke Boonstra
Kitten 6/Boau
Sold to Ria van der Bijl
Kitten 4/Izzy
Sold to Eke Boonstra
Kitten 3/Nala
Sold to Erwin and Nadia
Kitten 5/Lin
Sold to Viviane van Tuyckom
Kitten 1/Mona Lisa
Sold to Hermelinda Kabergs
13 August 2008

This morning at 06.45 hours Macy woke me up. She kept on calling me and I rushed out of bed. Gladly everything was prepared. So I called Hennie and woke her up (she asked me to) and she came to help me and support Macy. Again thank you for your help Hennie! My vet told me that she saw 3 kittens during the echo, but who would know......6 kittens! I hope that Macy can handle this to feed 6 kittens. Otherwise I need to help her. So to be honest I hoped that she had a smaller litter.... I watched the breeding part so carefully. But Major doesn't listen to me;-). Besides he has very dominant genes. Almost all of these kittens have a long tail. Not that Major has a long tail, but mostly he gives kittens with long tails... And only one kittens is polydactyl. But I am very happy with this litter. No misunderstanding about that. Herewith an overview:
Kitten 1 born at 07.55 hours female long tail 125 gram
Kitten 2 born at 08.11 hours female long tail 119 gram
Kitten 3 born at 09.25 hours female long tail 107 gram polydactyl
Kitten 4 born at 10.46 hours male long tail 105 gram sold
Kitten 5 born at 11.05 hours female long tail 104 gram
Kitten 6 born at 11.25 hours male long 3/4 or showlength tail 117 gram

9 August 2008

Just a few more days and she will be due...............
30 June 2008

Today I took Macy with me for an echo. So far as my vet could see she caries 3 kittens. Very good for a first litter. I am so happy! Herewith a picture of her little kittens.
21 June 2008

Macy had spend some time with Major not to long ago. If she is pregnant she will be due around the 11th of August 2008. I am so curious! Of course I will make an echo when she is 4 weeks pregnant. Just to be sure and to see how many kittens she is carrying. This will be Macy her first litter and for me it has been a while since I had a poly female. Polydactyl is a very dominant gene so I am sure she will have some kittens with poly feet. More news to come............
Kittens 13 August 2008